February, 2021
How to Use Your Pendulum

Pendulums have been used for years… for dowsing, reading, decision making, investigations, etc. Water dowsing, clocks and other precision instruments have used pendulums because, in certain instances, they swing with predictable rhythm.
My personal experience with pendulums began in the 70’s with water dowsing, pipe dowsing, and locating items buried underground. I lived in Arizona and finding the location to drill wells was difficult. With dowsing, we found the location for our well first location. I was AMAZED!
I had taken Silva Mind Control (now Silva Method) which proved to me there was a method to my gifts. Dowsing was one of the methods which Jose Silva taught us.
I share here what I learned and what I teach.
Begin by choosing your favorite pendulum. Hold it for a little while daily. Some will even sleep with it under their pillow. This aligns the pendulum with your energy.
To use your new pendulum:
Hold your pendulum by its holder and allow it to dangle from your fingers so it will flow freely. It may begin to move while you are holding it so before you begin, hold your hand as still as you can and say the word “stop”. Your pendulum should stop swinging.
Now practice Its communication: Test your pendulum so you know its movement with you:
Say: Show me a yes answer!
Wait to see which direction it flows and note it.
Say “stop” (before you say anything else). It should stop swinging
Say: Show me a no answer!
Wait and see which direction it flows and note it.
The aim of these exercises is to establish consistency of the “yes” and “no” answers your pendulum gives you.
Begin using your pendulum. Practice and play with it. Query for yourself.
The more you connect with your pendulum the more you create your relationship with your pendulum.
More next month… Happy Divining!
Many Blessings,
CeCe Converse, Intuitive Clarity
What Color is Your Crystal?

In early times, color was one of the most important attributes of a gemstone, and gems were ranked by color.
Though modern customers ascribe different colors to particular receptors called chakras and postulate them to be connected with specific parts of the body, earlier people believed that the metaphysical and medicinal effects of gemstones were associated with the particular color of each.
In magic, such is the association of red stones such as garnet and carnelian with blood and the charming association of amethyst with the neutralization of the effects of alcohol in wine (Siberian amethyst for a fine Burgundy or Merlot?).”
--words from the late Si Frazier, mineralogist & quartz lover
Si Frazier was known throughout the mineral world as one of the foremost authorities on quartz crystals, among other things. It took me over two years to get him to become a vendor at my early Crystal Fairs, and it was a coup for me. He put out a monthly newsletter for years and, after doing my shows, he would always include an article on metaphysics. I hope you enjoy the two articles we've selected.
History of the Occidental Amethyst
For many centuries, Europeans believed that fine gems could only develop in the warm climates of the Far East. This idea is not too surprising, since the period when Alexander the Great (356–323 BC) opened the riches of the East to the classical world, the gemstones of the Orient were treasured in the western world.
Pliny the Elder (d. AD 79) described many fine gems from the “East” and China (terms that were used interchangeably). Later, the idea gradually developed that the Oriental gems were finer, perhaps because the climate of the Orient was much warmer than that of Europe (the Occident), and this climatic difference presumably led to greater hardness and beauty.
This notion became entrenched in the language of jewelers beginning in the 16th century and persisted through the 19th century. As an example, “Oriental diamond” was a diamond from India (the principal source) or Borneo, while “Occidental diamond” was rock crystal.
Some authorities professed to believe, over time and in a warm climate, the Occidental varieties of gems could eventually mature into the more valuable Oriental ones. Even Robert Boyle (1672), one of the greatest scientists of all time, and generally acknowledged as the leading scientist of his day, was persuaded that this notion might be true in his landmark essay, An essay about the origin and virtues of gems.
Until the 20th century, the currency of the term was articulated by W. Goodchild in his excellent little gemology textbook, Precious Stones, “speaking generally, when Rock Crystal is cut to simulate diamond, the word Occidental is prefixed” (l908, p. 150).
The term is very seldom encountered in more modern books.
by Si Frazier - In loving memory of Si Frazer
Golden Rutilated Quartz
Artisanal Mining Community

The remote Brazilian mining community of Remedios is the site of the Bahia golden rutilated quartz mines. The town is developing a sustainable collective of artisanal miners.
Photo by Brian Cook.
At the January 2017 Jewelry Industry Summit held in Tucson, Brian and Kendra Cook (Nature’s Geometry) discussed their efforts to promote sustainable mining in Brazil’s Bahia State.
In cooperation with 2,500 miners from the region, the Cooks are developing a collective in Remedios, Novo Horizonte (figure 1). Plans to brand the region’s unique golden rutilated quartz will be supported by a warehouse and cutting facilities, as well as a visitor center. To provide food security for the population, the Cooks also intend to bring organic community farming to the area.
Brian Cook first visited the remote site, located in Chapada Diamantina bordering the Atlantic Rain Forest and the Serrado and Caatinga ecological communities, in 1983 as a geology student. The trip from Salvador, Bahia’s capital, took 2ó days, and he was shown an example of golden rutilated quartz (figure 2), which was relatively rare on the gem market at the time. He later became an exporter of the quartz and helped raise its profile.
The Cooks have since become landowners in Remedios, and their property includes a successful golden rutilated quartz mine. Over the years they have visited with their children from their home in Salvador (now a ten-hour journey thanks to improved infrastructure) and become trusted members of the community.
The Cooks have already helped locals formalize their land and mining rights, and now they are turning their attention to other initiatives. Their agenda includes mine safety, certificates of origin to ensure transparency and consumer satisfaction, and teaching cutting and polishing gemstones. They especially seek to empower local women, who already sell rough gems at the local markets, through lapidary and bead-making training.
The community’s proximity to the Atlantic Rain Forest makes it an ideal location for ecotourism, a concept that can be combined with gemological study and buying expeditions.
Brian and Kendra Cook are seeking investors and corporate sponsorship for their community.
Learn more about their work at
Brian Cook, Project Director:
Jennifer-Lynn Archuleta